


I am Constantin Scholz,

Living in Brussels and devoted to design, research and engineering development.

Academic and Research experience

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

I am a Ph.D. researcher at imec and the Brussels Human Robotics Research Center of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I am developing an electronic skin for collaborative robots, also known as CoBots, that senses the surrounding and ensures that the operator stays safe and is not injured by the CoBot when working in close proximity. I am based out of the AI Experience Centre & Artificial Intelligence Lab Brussels.

At Vrije Universiteit Brussels I teach the Mechatronics and Design Methodology course for Prof. Dr. Bram Vanderborght at the FabLab Brussels to master students of the engineering department of Vrije Universiteit Brussels and Université libre de Bruxelles.

Imperial College London

In October 2020 I graduated with a Masters in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with Management from Imperial College London. For my Master, I designed a functional prototype of a smart dental storage case called CLEANR, to improve patient adherence, hygiene and outcomes.

During my time at Imperial, I worked on several interdisciplinary projects:

  • Quaestio: a survey robot aimed to explore the possibilities of improving survey participation through the utilisation of robot-human interaction.

  • FLEET: a drone attachment designed to drastically cut-down Emergency Medical Services' (EMS) response times which won the prize for the best second-year project at Imperial in 2018.

  • Slink: a personal trainer that brings an immersive home fitness studio with vast selections of workouts.

I also took the opportunity to teach the Engineering Design and Practice course to a cohort of 180 students at the EEE department of Imperial.

Industry and Entrepreneurial experience


In parallel with my Masters, I founded Faceident - where we develop facial recognition software for people in creative industries (a beta is currently available for macOS and you can download it here). Faceident was a part of the 2020 Venture Catalyst Challenge at the Imperial College Enterprise Lab and is a semi-finalist of The Mayor's Entrepreneur Competition 2020 and was part of the Imperial Venture Mentoring Service.

Siemens Mobility

In (2020), I was working at Siemens Mobility in New York City for 6 months, where I led the Robot Process Automation (RPA) efforts and project implementation of the project management group in the USA and supported the undertaking in the Communication-Based Train Control Lab.

Lunar Ventures Berlin and Embryo Ventures London

I worked in venture capital for Lunar Ventures Berlin and Embryo Ventures London supporting due-diligence and startups in product, business development and growth strategy.

When I’m not researching or working I enjoy:

Spending some time in Berlin.

Being a house music DJ.

Doing CrossFit at DNSRT, Playing polo (former manager of Imperial College Polo Team), and playing Tennis.

Exploring the best eateries and travelling the world to experience new cultures and tastes.  

Graphic design, typography and I love to cook.


German, English, studying French intensively and trying to study a bit of Polish every week.

Check out my portfolio collection, here.

Find me on InstagramLinkedIn, Twitter or maybe send me an email.